Maine's American Idol star is headed our way!

After her incredible run this Spring, where she defied the odds and made the Top 7 on American Idol, Julia Gagnon, who is from Cumberland, finally got to come back home, after several months in Los Angeles. Now she is ready to explore the state performing this summer.

Julia will bring her "Here In Maine" Homecoming Tour will hit several spots throughout the state in the next couple of months.

More will be added in the coming weeks, but for now, here are the scheduled dates:

June 30th-Merrill Auditorium-Portland, Maine
July 5th-Liberty Festival-Lewiston, Maine
July 12th-Union Fair Wild Blueberry Festival-Union, Maine
July 13th-Moxie Festival-Lisbon, Maine
July 17th-Twin Brooks-Cumberland, Maine
July 19th-Clam Festival-Yarmouth, Maine
July 20th-Clam Festival-Yarmouth, Maine
July 21st-Claws & Country Festival-Brunswick, Maine
July 26th-Johnson Hall-Gardiner, Maine
July 27h=Johnson Hall-Gardnier, Maine
August 3rd-The Grand-Ellsworth, Maine
August 4th-Maine Lobster Festival-Rockland, Maine
August 6th-Monmouth Theater-Monmouth, Maine
Augsut 14th-Lantern Festival-South Berwick, Maine

There is also a rumour floating around that she will take the stage with Jason Mraz, when he comes to the Maine Savings Amphitheater, on Sunday, July 7th.

The two had a fun duet on the season finale of American Idol, last month, called "I Feel Like Dancing" With any luck, she will be stop here in Bangor to sing it again!

If you happened to be watching the show 207 on Channel 2, last week, she performed two songs, the classic "Somewhere Over The Rainbow", plus one of her original tunes called "Fall"

She also chatted with the hosts of the show about her experience on Idol, the new music she has been making with her finace, and all of those upcoming tour dates.

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